Remote Work Tools and Strategies: Navigating the New Normal for Small Businesses

September 12, 2023

So, we’ve all been through a whirlwind of change in the past couple of years, haven’t we? The pandemic shook us up, and whether we liked it or not, remote work has become the “new normal.” Whether you’re a seasoned remote work veteran or you’re still trying to figure out how to pronounce “Zoom,” we’ve got your back. 

 Here at Appsonnet , we know that adapting to this new way of doing things can be challenging, especially if you’re running a small to medium-sized business (SMB). But hey, that’s what we’re here for—to make this transition smoother than your morning cup of latte. ? 

 Why Remote Work? 

 Before we dive into the tools and strategies, let’s take a quick moment to remind ourselves why remote work can be a good thing (Yes, it can be!). Reduced commuting time, increased flexibility, and better work-life balance are just a few benefits. But most importantly, for SMBs like yours, remote work allows you to tap into a global talent pool. No more “We can’t find good developers in our area” excuses! ? 

The Right Tools for the Job 

 Ok, so let’s talk about the game-changers—the tools that make remote work, well, work.  

 Project Management: Tools like Asana, Trello, or let you track tasks, deadlines, and milestones. Think of them as your virtual office bulletin board where everyone can check in and see what’s cooking. 

 Communication: Slack has revolutionized the way we talk at work. Channels, direct messages, and even cute emojis make it easier to communicate. For video calls, Zoom or Microsoft Teams are the go-to options. Yes, you’ll still have to endure the occasional “You’re on mute,” but hey, it’s all part of the experience. 

 Productivity Monitoring: Now, this one can be a little touchy. Trust is vital when it comes to remote work, but sometimes you just need a bit of insight into productivity levels. Tools like Time Doctor or RescueTime can provide analytics without crossing the ‘Big Brother is watching’ line. 

Keep that Company Culture Alive! 

 Maintaining your company culture while everyone is miles apart is tricky but super important. Virtual team-building activities like online game nights, trivia, or a simple weekly catch-up call can go a long way. Remember, you’re still a team—even if you’re not in the same building, city, or heck, even the same time zone! 

Don’t mind being repetitive, but yes, communication is everything. Daily stand-ups or weekly round-ups can make sure everyone is on the same page. Use video calls for more complex discussions; sometimes, a face-to-face chat (even if it’s through a screen) can solve problems quicker than a barrage of Slack messages. 

Communication is Key 

So, go ahead—embrace the remote work lifestyle and let it take your business to places you never thought possible. With the right tools and mindset, the world—or at least, the global talent pool—is your oyster. 

Don’t Have to Go at It Alone, Lean on Managed Services 

So you might be thinking, “All these tools sound great, but who’s going to set them up? And what about ongoing management, security, and, oh, the inevitable tech glitches?” Hey, we hear you loud and clear. Juggling day-to-day business operations while also keeping an eye on your remote tech ecosystem can be overwhelming. And that’s exactly where a managed services company like Appsonnet steps in to save the day. ???? 

Setup and Onboarding 

 We know that each business is unique, and there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. Our team takes the time to understand your specific needs and challenges before recommending tools and strategies. And the best part? We handle the setup and onboarding process for you. No more fumbling through setup guides or troubleshooting forums; we’ve got it all under control. 

Continuous Management and Support 

 Imagine not having to worry about software updates, security patches, or unexpected downtimes. Sounds like a dream, right? Well, with managed services, this dream becomes a reality. We continuously monitor your remote work environment to make sure everything runs smoothly 24/7. If an issue arises, our support team swoops in to resolve it, often before you even know there’s a problem. 

Data Security and Compliance 

 Ah, the big one—security. With cyber threats on the rise, especially targeting small businesses, having a solid security strategy is non-negotiable. Appsonnet ensures that all your remote work tools comply with industry standards and regulations. Think of us as your personal cybersecurity watchdogs. 

Scaling and Future-Proofing 

 Business needs evolve, and your remote work setup should too. As you grow, add more team members, or expand into new markets, you’ll need to scale your remote work capabilities. With a managed services partner, scaling becomes a non issue. We’re here to future-proof your business, ensuring you’re always leveraging the most efficient and cost-effective solutions. 

The Bottom Line 

Transitioning to a remote work environment has its challenges, but you don’t have to navigate them alone. Partnering with a managed services company like Appsonnet can take the stress out of remote work, leaving you free to focus on what you do best—running your incredible business. 

Stay awesome, folks! ? 

The Appsonnet Team 

There you have it! With the right partnership, tools, and mindset, the transition to remote work can be as smooth as silk. Whether you’re a solo entrepreneur or a growing small to medium-sized business, you’ve got a partner in Appsonnet who’s committed to helping you succeed in this new normal. ? 

Contact Appsonnet today to find out what we can do for your business and technology.
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